Wild Fibers Magazine
We are very excited to share with you that The Rocking Yak has been featured in Wild Fiber Magazines, Spring 2013 issue.
We first came into contact with Linda (Editor) about a year ago. It didn’t take long for us to realize that this magazine & our company are are a perfect match. Bret, stopped by the office of Wild Fibers Magazine last summer while on his tour around the U.S.
Linda has done a fantastic job of telling our story. She has this way of being in a moment. She has the ability to take in everything. The sights, the sounds, the smells. Then, when she sits down to write about it, she is able to put flesh & bones into her writing & the story comes to life.
I (Carrie), have been working with Bret on this project for 6 years now, having never set foot in China. Linda was able to pull stories out of the field & give me glimpses into the very heart & soul of this company that I had yet to see. It’s a gift that she gave to me.
“The mission of Wild Fibers Magazine is to understand the role natural fibers have played in developing cultures and supporting communities throughout the world. We are as devoted to the people who spin, weave, and create “magic” with fiber, as we are to the farmers, nomads, and shepherds who have tended these endearing creatures from the start. Wild Fibers travels to places that have yet to be rubber-stamped by the trappings of the modern world. We sleep in yurts. We comb camels. We spin cashmere. And most of all, we learn about a way of life that is held together by one very long, long thread. But it’s not all yak butter tea and pup tents. With the voracious march of synthetic fibers, we stay connected to new initiatives including Prince Charles’ Campaign for Wool and Discover Natural Fibers – an international coalition of fiber producers and processors dedicated to preserving the importance of natural fibers on the planet. Readers love Wild Fibers not only because they discover the world in ways they had never imagined, but because they have such wild fun in doing it!” ~ Wild Fiber Magazine